Which of the following contributed to making the discovery of new lands and new trade routes desirable? Choose All That Apply

1) Rise of stong nation states 2) Emergence of a merchant class 3) Desire for world trade 4) creation of immunity to disease

And your thinking is ???


To determine which of the following contributed to making the discovery of new lands and new trade routes desirable, we need to analyze each option:

1) Rise of strong nation states: This refers to the period when powerful centralized governments emerged, often driven by the desire for territorial expansion and economic growth. Strong nation states created the political stability necessary to support and fund overseas explorations.

2) Emergence of a merchant class: As trade expanded, a merchant class developed, consisting of individuals engaged in buying and selling goods. The merchant class sought new markets and opportunities for profit, which incentivized the search for new trade routes and resources.

3) Desire for world trade: The pursuit of increased wealth and access to new goods from foreign lands fueled the desire for world trade. Explorers and traders sought opportunities to establish lucrative trade relationships with other regions and sought to find faster and more efficient trade routes.

4) Creation of immunity to disease: This option is less directly related to the desire for the discovery of new lands and trade routes. While immunity to disease did lead to increased longevity and reduced mortality rates among certain populations, it did not directly contribute to the desire for exploration and trade.

Therefore, the options contributing to making the discovery of new lands and new trade routes desirable are: 1) Rise of strong nation states, 2) Emergence of a merchant class, and 3) Desire for world trade.