What is a direct object pronoun again?

A direct object takes the action of the verb.

Joe hit HIM,
The teacher told us to memorize IT.
Jim really loves HER.

A direct object pronoun is a type of pronoun that replaces the direct object of a verb in a sentence. In English, direct objects typically receive the action of the verb. For example, in the sentence "I ate the pizza," the direct object is "the pizza" because it is directly affected by the action of the verb "ate."

To determine the direct object pronoun in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the verb: Find the action verb in the sentence. In our example, the verb is "ate."

2. Ask "What?" or "Whom?" after the verb: Ask the question "What did I eat?" The answer "the pizza" indicates the direct object.

3. Replace the direct object with a pronoun: In this case, the direct object pronoun for "the pizza" would be "it" or "them" depending on the context. The sentence would then become "I ate it/them."

It is important to note that direct object pronouns may vary depending on the grammatical person and number. Here are the direct object pronouns in English:

- First person singular: me
- Second person singular: you
- Third person singular: him, her, it
- First person plural: us
- Second person plural: you
- Third person plural: them

By understanding the role of direct objects and following these steps, you can identify and use direct object pronouns in English sentences.