2 2/3 + 1 1/5 / 5 4/5 in bodmas form. Ms. Sue please help solve

asking over and over won't get any quicker help. It just wastes our time checking multiple copies.

BODMAS is the same as PEMDAS, so

2 2/3 + 1 1/5 / 5 4/5
= (2 + 2/3) + (1 1/5) / (5 4/5)
= (8/3) + (6/5) / (24/5)
= 8/3 + (6/5) * (5/24)
= 8/3 + (6*5)/(24*5)
= 8/3 + 6/24
= 8/3 + 1/4
= 32/12 + 3/12
= 35/12

Note that at each step, the multiplication/division is done before the addition/subtraction. Mixed numbers do tend to cloud the issue somewhat.