2 2/3 + 1 1/5 divided by 5 4/5 in bodmas form

im guessing its PEMDAS you mean?

2 76/87


To solve this problem in BODMAS (Bracket, Order, Division & Multiplication, Addition & Subtraction) form, we need to follow a specific order of operations.

Step 1: Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions.
2 2/3 can be converted to an improper fraction as (3 * 2 + 2) / 3 = 8/3,
and 1 1/5 can be converted to (5 * 1 + 1) / 5 = 6/5.

Step 2: Perform any division and multiplication from left to right.
8/3 + 6/5 / 5 4/5

Next, we need to divide 6/5 by 5 4/5. When we divide fractions, we invert the divisor and multiply.

Dividing 6/5 by 5 4/5:

6/5 ÷ 29/5

To divide, we multiply by the reciprocal:

6/5 * 5/29 = 30/145

Now, substitute the result back into the original expression:

8/3 + 30/145

Step 3: Perform any addition and subtraction from left to right:

To add these fractions, we need a common denominator:

(8/3 * 145/145) + (30/145)

Now we can add them:

(1160/435) + (30/145)

To add the fractions, we need a common denominator, which is 435:
(1160 + 30) / 435 = 1190/435

The final Answer is 1190/435.