Explain intersectionality
Explain at least one social philosophy from the textbook. For instance, you might discuss utilitarianism, Rawls, Marx, Nozick, Du Bois, King, or Beauvoir. If the theory has a clear correlate, please discuss it as well.
Illustrate your understanding of both the intersectional and traditional social justice approaches with examples. Support your account of the theories with citations to the textbook and online lectures in correct APA format. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. Textbook reference: Mitchell, H. B. (2015). Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions, 7th. Cengage Learning, ISBN 9781285197128

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oh wow i'm sorry, I just need a better understanding of intersectionality. I was confused about utilitarianism, but I think i understand it now from reading similar questions.


Intersectionality is a concept that acknowledges that individuals can experience various forms of oppression or discrimination based on multiple aspects of their identity, such as race, gender, sexuality, class, and disability. Essentially, it recognizes that these aspects of identity, rather than being separate or isolated, intersect and interact with each other, shaping an individual's experiences and opportunities in society.

To explain intersectionality, we can start with the understanding that individuals are not solely defined by a single aspect of their identity. For example, someone who identifies as a Black woman may experience racism and sexism simultaneously, which can result in unique and compounded forms of discrimination. In contrast, someone who is a White man would not have the same experience of oppression based on these intersecting aspects of identity.

Intersectionality arose out of feminist and critical race theories in the 1970s and 1980s, notably pioneered by scholars like Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw. It sought to highlight the ways in which different forms of oppression and discrimination are interconnected and can compound each other, rather than being seen as separate issues.

To understand a social philosophy from the textbook, let's discuss the philosophy of John Rawls, specifically his Theory of Justice. Rawls' theory is known as "justice as fairness" and aims to establish principles for a just society. He argues that a just society is one in which the basic framework of institutions, laws, and social structures is designed to benefit the least advantaged members. Rawls proposes the concept of the "veil of ignorance," where individuals, in deciding on principles of justice, should imagine themselves as not knowing their own social position or personal characteristics. This removes bias and allows for fair decision-making. Rawls' theory seeks to balance personal liberty, equality of opportunity, and the redistribution of wealth to create a society that benefits all its members.

An example that illustrates both intersectional and traditional social justice approaches can be seen in an analysis of income inequality. Traditional social justice approaches might focus solely on addressing income disparity without necessarily considering other factors that contribute to social and economic disadvantage, such as race or gender. In contrast, an intersectional approach to addressing income inequality would recognize how factors like race and gender can further deepen economic disparities. For instance, an intersectional analysis might consider how Black women or transgender individuals face greater economic marginalization compared to White men due to the intersections of racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination.

To understand these concepts further, you can refer to the textbook "Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions" by Helen Buss Mitchell. Analyze relevant chapters and sections that cover intersectionality and the social philosophy of John Rawls. Additionally, you may also benefit from online lectures or academic articles that explore these topics in greater depth. Don't forget to properly cite your sources using the correct APA format, ensuring that the citations align with the guidelines provided by the APA Citation Helper.