Evaluate what role Canada’s natural resources play in its economy. How are Canada’s

resources connected to its current international role?

First, you need to determine what Canada's natural resources are -- or at least the ones you plan to write about.

Then you can deal with how each of them figures in Canada's economy -- in trade with other countries, as well in domestic use.

THEN you can start planning and writing.


Canada's natural resources play a significant role in its economy and are closely connected to its current international role. Here's how you can evaluate this:

1. Assess the types and abundance of natural resources: Canada is rich in various natural resources such as oil, natural gas, minerals, forests, and freshwater. Evaluate the types of resources Canada possesses and the abundance or scarcity of each. This assessment will help determine the potential economic impact of these resources.

2. Analyze the contribution to GDP and employment: Determine the percentage of Canada's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that is derived from industries reliant on natural resources. Assess how these industries contribute to employment rates and income distribution. This will provide insights into the economic importance of natural resources.

3. Consider export earnings: Evaluate Canada's exports and their composition. Natural resources make up a significant portion of Canada's export earnings. Analyze the contributions of various natural resources to Canada's trade balance, as well as their impact on foreign exchange reserves.

4. Understand investment patterns: Examine foreign direct investment (FDI) in Canada's natural resource sectors. Evaluate how the presence of valuable resources attracts international investment and contributes to economic growth. Consider the impact of resource development projects on job creation, infrastructure development, and technological advancements.

5. Evaluate environmental and social considerations: Assess the sustainability of natural resource extraction and its impact on the environment, local communities, and indigenous populations. Consider how Canada's resource policies and regulations mitigate these impacts and contribute to its international reputation as a responsible resource provider.

6. Analyze Canada's international role: Examine how Canada's natural resources shape its international role, particularly in global markets and trade relationships. Consider factors such as energy security, geopolitical implications, and Canada's negotiating leverage in international agreements. Assess how Canada's resource wealth influences its political and diplomatic relationships with other countries.

By considering these aspects, you can evaluate the role of Canada's natural resources in its economy and understand their connection to its current international role.