I need help what am I doing wrong .

-6=2/9 X

So, I divided first -6 by2/9 .

I keep getting -27

looks good to me.

2/9 * -27 = -54/9 = -6

so, what's the problem?

Thank you Steve I wasn't sure

It seems like you may have made a mistake in your calculation. Let me explain how to solve the equation step by step.

To solve for X in the equation -6 = (2/9) * X, you need to isolate X on one side of the equation. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by multiplying both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of (2/9), which is 9/2. This is done in order to cancel out the fraction.

(-6) * (9/2) = (2/9) * X * (9/2)

2. Simplify each side of the equation:

(-6)*(9/2) = X

-27 = X

So, the value of X is -27. Therefore, your answer is correct. It seems there might have been a misunderstanding or confusion regarding the sign of the solution. In this case, X is indeed equal to -27.