angela ate at the same restaurant four times. each time she ordered a salad and left a $5 tip. she spent a total of $54. write and an equation to find the cost of each salad is not yet solved by the Tiger Algebra Solver.

4*5 = 20

54 - 20 = 34
34/4 = 8.50

4 * c + 4*5 = 54

To find the cost of each salad, we can set up an equation.

Let's say the cost of each salad is x dollars.

Since Angela ate at the same restaurant four times, she ordered four salads in total. The cost of the four salads would then be 4x dollars.

Additionally, Angela left a $5 tip each time, so the total amount she spent for the four salads and tips is $54.

Hence, we can set up the equation:

4x + 4(5) = 54

Simplifying, we have:

4x + 20 = 54

To solve this equation, we can start by subtracting 20 from both sides:

4x = 54 - 20

4x = 34

Finally, we divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate x:

x = 34/4

Simplifying the division, we get:

x = 8.5

Therefore, the cost of each salad is $8.50.