During the past few years Great Britian's pund has been worth between $1 and $2 in US currency. Suppose the rate of exchange is $1.50 for each pund.

a. What is the value in dollars for 5 punds?

b. WHat is the value in pounds for $25.50?

5pounds *(1.5 dollars/pound)=?

25.50dollars* 1pound/1.5dollars=?

To solve these problems, we need to use conversion factors to convert between pounds and dollars.

a. To find the value in dollars for 5 pounds, we can use the conversion factor: 1.5 dollars per pound. So, we multiply 5 pounds by the conversion factor:

5 pounds * (1.5 dollars/pound) = 7.5 dollars

Therefore, the value of 5 pounds is 7.5 dollars.

b. To find the value in pounds for $25.50, we can use the inverse conversion factor: 1 pound per 1.5 dollars. So, we multiply $25.50 by the conversion factor:

25.50 dollars * (1 pound/1.5 dollars) = 17 pounds

Therefore, the value of $25.50 is 17 pounds.