Just need help in understanding this question.

When your friend hears that you are taking a psychology course, she asserts that psychology is simply common sense. Explain why common sense is not the best way to understand human behavior. Describe the methods of science and explain why they are superior to common sense in understanding human behavior.

What do you do then with irrational people?


This is a start:



I let you describe the scientific methods.

The question is asking for an explanation of why common sense is not the best way to understand human behavior, and how the methods of science are superior in understanding human behavior.

To understand this question, we first need to understand what is meant by "common sense." Common sense refers to the knowledge and understanding that is generally held by most people within a particular society or culture. It is based on our everyday observations and experiences, and is often considered intuitive and practical.

However, when it comes to understanding complex human behavior, common sense has its limitations. Here are a few reasons why common sense is not the best way to understand human behavior:

1. Subjectivity: Common sense is often influenced by personal biases, cultural norms, and individual experiences. What seems like common sense to one person may not be the same for another. Therefore, relying solely on common sense can lead to subjective and incomplete understanding of human behavior.

2. Limited scope: Human behavior is complex and influenced by various factors such as genetics, biology, environment, and social interactions. Common sense often provides simplistic explanations that may not capture the full complexity of human behavior.

Now, let's discuss why the methods of science are considered superior to common sense in understanding human behavior. Science provides a systematic and objective approach to studying human behavior. Here are a few reasons why:

1. Empirical evidence: Scientific research relies on empirical evidence, which is collected through rigorous observation and experimentation. This evidence is used to support or refute theories about human behavior. By relying on empirical evidence, science ensures that the understanding of human behavior is based on facts and data rather than personal opinions or biases.

2. Systematic methodology: Science follows a systematic methodology to study human behavior. Researchers formulate hypotheses, design experiments, collect data, and analyze results. This systematic approach helps to minimize biases, control variables, and ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.

3. Peer review and replication: Scientific studies undergo a rigorous process of peer review, where experts in the field evaluate the methods, analysis, and conclusions of the study. Additionally, replication of studies by other researchers helps to validate or challenge the findings. This scrutiny ensures that scientific knowledge is continually refined and built upon.

4. Generalizability: Scientific findings aim for generalizability, meaning that the conclusions drawn from a study can be applied to a larger population or broader context. Common sense, on the other hand, is often limited to individual experiences and lacks the ability to make generalizations about human behavior.

In summary, common sense can provide some insights into human behavior, but it is limited by subjectivity and a narrow scope. Conversely, the methods of science offer a more objective, systematic, and evidence-based approach to understanding human behavior, making scientific knowledge superior to common sense in this regard.