Come, brothers all!

Shall we not wend
The blind-way of our prison-world
By sympathy entwined?
Shall we not make (5)
The bleak way for each other’s sake
Less rugged and unkind?
O let each throbbing heart repeat
The faint note of another’s beat
To lift a chanson for the feet (10)
That stumble down life’s checkered street.

1. According to the passage, that which is "unkind" (line 7) is
A. a person's journey through life
B. the author's memories of prison
C. the way strangers treat the author
D. the way the author's brother treats him

2. The ideas described in lines 8-9 echo which sentiment from the poem?
A. blind-way (line 3)
B. sympathy entwined (line 4)
C. bleak way (line 6)
D. rugged and unkind (line 7)

Are the answers A for 1 and B for 2?

To find the answers to these questions, we need to carefully read and analyze the given passage. Let's break down the questions and their corresponding answer options:

1. According to the passage, that which is "unkind" (line 7) is:
To determine the answer, we need to identify the context in which the word "unkind" is used in line 7. The line states, "The bleak way for each other’s sake Less rugged and unkind?" From this, we can infer that "unkind" refers to something that makes the journey (way) less harsh or difficult. Looking at the provided answer options, option A - a person's journey through life - aligns with this interpretation.

So, the answer to question 1 is A - a person's journey through life.

2. The ideas described in lines 8-9 echo which sentiment from the poem?
To answer this question, we need to examine lines 8-9 and determine which sentiment (idea, emotion) is being reflected. The lines state, "O let each throbbing heart repeat The faint note of another’s beat." These lines convey the idea of hearts echoing the rhythm or beats of other hearts. Looking at the provided answer options, option B - sympathy entwined - closely relates to this concept of hearts repeating or echoing each other's beats.

Therefore, the answer to question 2 is B - sympathy entwined.

In summary, the correct answers are:
1. A - a person's journey through life.
2. B - sympathy entwined.