A shopkeerper lost 10%by selling an article for Rs 1200.at what price should he have sold the article gain 10% with statement


Why are you posting the same question, again and again, only a minute or two apart?

Didn't notice that Steve had already answered this question, when it was posted earlier.

Behold the perils of re-posting the same question without giving it a reasonable time

Not only that , I answered the same thing back in 2012


To find the price at which the shopkeeper should have sold the article in order to gain 10%, we can use the concept of profit and loss percentages.

Let's assume the cost price (CP) of the article is 'x' rupees.

According to the given information, the shopkeeper sold the article for Rs 1200 and incurred a loss of 10%.
Loss = 10% of CP = (10/100) * x = x/10

We can now calculate the selling price (SP) at which the article was sold:
SP = CP - Loss (Since it's a loss)
= x - (x/10)
= (10x - x)/10
= 9x/10

Since the shopkeeper wants to gain 10%, the new selling price (SP) should be increased by 10%:
New SP = SP + 10% of SP
= SP + (10/100) * SP
= SP + SP/10
= (9x/10) + (9x/10)/10
= (9x/10) + (9x/100)
= (90x/100) + (9x/100)
= (99x/100)

The shopkeeper should have sold the article for (99x/100) rupees to gain 10%.

However, in the given question, the cost price (x) is not mentioned. So, it is not possible to determine the exact price at which the shopkeeper should have sold the article.

cost price ---- x

at 10% loss he sold it at 90% of cost
.9x = 1200
x = 1200/.9

wanted to make 10% profit, so should sell it for ...
1.1x = 1.1(1200/.9) = ....