A shopkeerper lost 10%by selling an article for Rs 1200.at what price should he have sold the article gain 10%

If the cost was c, then

0.90c = 1200
You want 1.10c = 1.10 * 1200/0.90 = 1466.67

To find the price at which the shopkeeper should have sold the article to gain 10%, we can use the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the original cost price (CP) of the article.
Since the shopkeeper lost 10% when selling it for Rs 1200, the selling price (SP) is 90% of the cost price. So, we can write the equation:
SP = 0.90 * CP
We know that the selling price (SP) is Rs 1200. So, we can substitute this value into the equation:
1200 = 0.90 * CP

Step 2: Calculate the cost price (CP).
To find the cost price (CP), we divide both sides of the equation by 0.90:
CP = 1200 / 0.90

Step 3: Calculate the desired selling price.
To calculate the desired selling price (SP) at a 10% gain, we add 10% to the cost price (CP):
SP = CP + 0.1 * CP

Step 4: Substitute the value of CP into the equation to find the desired selling price (SP).
SP = (1200 / 0.90) + 0.1 * (1200 / 0.90)

Now, we can simplify the equation to find the desired selling price.

Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Calculate the cost price (CP):
CP = 1200 / 0.90
CP ≈ 1333.33

Step 2: Calculate the desired selling price:
SP = 1333.33 + 0.1 * 1333.33
SP ≈ 1466.67

Therefore, the shopkeeper should have sold the article for approximately Rs 1466.67 to gain 10%.