What is it called when two different species change over time due to their long-term relationship?

I can think of one term:

another term that applies is ecosystem.


The process you are referring to is known as coevolution. Coevolution occurs when two or more species exert selective pressures on each other, leading to reciprocal evolutionary changes over time. In other words, their long-term relationship shapes their respective characteristics and adaptations, as they constantly influence each other's evolution.

To delve deeper into this topic and gain a more comprehensive understanding, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for a reliable source of information, such as scientific journals, books, or reputable educational websites. These sources often provide in-depth explanations of coevolution and present examples of how different species undergo this process.

2. Look for keywords related to coevolution, such as "examples of coevolution," "coevolutionary relationships," or "how coevolution occurs." These keywords will help you find specific articles or resources that cover various aspects of coevolution.

3. Read through the materials you find and pay attention to the different examples of coevolution between plant-animal interactions, predator-prey relationships, or mutualistic associations, like pollination between flowers and their pollinators.

4. Take notes and highlight the key points, as well as any specific examples that resonate with your understanding. Understanding the specific mechanisms and patterns of coevolution will deepen your knowledge on the topic.

By following these steps, you can acquire a solid understanding of what coevolution is and how it occurs between different species in response to their long-term relationship.