What is the difference between |–3| And –3 I personally think it’s nothing but idk plz help

the two vertical lines || mean "absolute value"

... the value of the number , without the sign

|-3| is 3

-3 is -3

I’m still confused?

What confuses you?

Well I knows the || symbols mean an absolute value but I just confused on how it’d be different from –3

no minus sign

But on the question there is one? I’m sorry I must seem really idiotic

you can put any value inside absolute value lines

... the absolute value operation makes everything positive

|–3| = 3 ... –3 = –3 ... that is the difference

Okay, so the answer would be

“The difference is there’s no minus sign.” Right?

The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. It represents the magnitude or size of a value without regard to its sign.

Let's break down the difference between |–3| and –3:

1. |–3|, pronounced "the absolute value of negative three," means that we want to find the positive value that is equidistant from zero as negative three. In this case, the absolute value of –3 is 3 because –3 is three units away from zero on the number line in the negative direction.

2. On the other hand, –3 refers to the negative integer itself. It is simply the number –3 without any modification.

So, the main difference between the two is that |–3| (absolute value of –3) always yields a positive value, in this case, 3. Whereas, –3 stays as a negative number.

In conclusion, while the absolute value of –3 is 3 (a positive value), –3 remains a negative value.