Unit 2 Lesson 3 Close Reading Workshop:Short Story Quick Check

Here is the Passage :
Tara aren't you going to try out for the school play? asked Bill. Auditions are starting in a few minutes.
No Nita is trying out for the lead. She's a much better singer than I am. I don't have a chance.
Bill was a kind and helpful boy.He hated to see Tara so sad. Mark is faster than I am but I still compete against him in track and field events.
Don't you feel bad when you don't win?Tara asked.She was one of the most talented girls in the school but feared failing in anything.
Winning isn't the point Bill explained.You just do your best. If you do that ,you can be proud of yourself. Now how about that audition?
No I won't change my mind no matter what you say Tara replied firmly.
The audition is out.

So?? Do you have a question about this?

Here is the question

4.A possible theme for this selection is "people should do what makes them happy"which text from the selection best reflects this theme?
A.She's a much better singer than I am. I don't have a chance.
B.Bill was a kind and helpful boy. He hated to see Tara so sad.
C.Winning isn't the point Bill explained.You just do your best.If you do that you can be proud of yourself.
D.No I won't change my mind no matter what you say, Tara replied firmly.

I think its between C and D.I am not sure.

I think it's D, although others may view the theme differently. Obviously Tara is not happy when she competes and knows she can't win.

I was thinking C at first but I still was debating between the two.

I really need help with study island!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need the answers for unit 3 ;-; plox and thnx

This sucks i was hoping to get a quick answer 😢

In this passage, the main focus is on Tara and her decision not to try out for the school play. Bill is encouraging her to audition, but Tara believes that Nita is a better singer and therefore doesn't have a chance. Bill, however, tries to reassure Tara by mentioning how he competes against Mark in track and field events even though Mark is faster. Tara then expresses her fear of failing, to which Bill explains that winning is not the point, but rather doing your best and being proud of yourself. Despite Bill's encouragement, Tara remains firm in her decision not to audition.

To answer the question related to this passage, we need to analyze the text and identify the main idea or key points. In this case, the question isn't specified, so we can create a potential question based on the passage itself:

Question: Why does Tara decide not to audition for the school play?

To answer this question, we can look for clues within the passage. We see that Tara believes Nita is a better singer and feels that she doesn't have a chance. This belief contributes to her decision not to audition.

Therefore, the answer to the question "Why does Tara decide not to audition for the school play?" is because she believes Nita is a better singer and doesn't think she has a chance.

I’m Ms.Sue and I do not Approve.