3ab^2/4ab , 3a^2 b /4a can someone write these in simplest form?

check your previous post. In my correction, the 2nd line does this for you...

To simplify these expressions, we need to simplify the fractions by canceling out common factors in both the numerator and denominator.

Let's start with the first expression: 3ab^2/4ab.

In the numerator, we have 3ab^2, and in the denominator, we have 4ab.
Looking at the common factors, we see that both the numerator and denominator have an 'a' and a 'b'.

So, we can cancel out 'a' and 'b':

3ab^2/4ab = (3 * a * b^2)/(4 * a * b)
= (3/4) * (a/a) * (b^2/b)
= (3/4) * 1 * b
= (3/4)*b
= 3b/4

Therefore, the first expression simplified to its simplest form is 3b/4.

Now, let's simplify the second expression: 3a^2b/4a.

In the numerator, we have 3a^2b, and in the denominator, we have 4a.
Again, we observe common factors in both the numerator and denominator: 'a'.

So, we can cancel out 'a':

3a^2b/4a = (3 * a * a * b)/(4 * a)
= (3/4) * (a * a * b) * (1/a)
= (3/4) * (a * a/a) * b
= (3/4) * a * b
= 3ab/4

Therefore, the second expression simplified to its simplest form is 3ab/4.

To summarize:
1. 3ab^2/4ab simplifies to 3b/4.
2. 3a^2b/4a simplifies to 3ab/4.