The shot used in men’s shot put has a volume of about 905 cubic centimeters.

With V = (4/3) pi r^3

i need help to find the radius of the shot with the formula.

is the shape supposed to be a cylinder ?

No the shape is spherical like a cannonball but ou do not need to know that because they give you the volume:

V = (4/3) pi r^3 = 905
r = cube root of [ 3*905 / (4 pi) ]
= [ 3*905 / (4 pi) ] ^(.333333....)

about 6 cm :)

Thank you, and i just realized what a shot put was, i was thinking this was like a syringe.

No, the shape of the shot used in men's shot put is not a cylinder. It is actually a solid sphere.

To find the radius of the shot, we can rearrange the formula for the volume of a sphere:

V = (4/3) * π * r^3

Here, V represents the volume and r represents the radius of the sphere.

Given that the volume of the shot is approximately 905 cubic centimeters, we can substitute this value into the formula:

905 = (4/3) * π * r^3

To solve for the radius (r), we need to isolate it. Here are the steps to do that:

1. Divide both sides of the equation by (4/3)π to get rid of the coefficient:
905 / ((4/3) * π) = r^3

2. Simplify the equation:
905 / ((4/3) * π) ≈ r^3

3. Take the cube root of both sides to solve for r:
∛(905 / ((4/3) * π)) ≈ r

Using a calculator to evaluate the expression on the left side will give you the approximate value of the radius (r) of the shot used in men's shot put. Remember to use the value of π to sufficient accuracy, such as 3.14159.

Keep in mind that since the given volume, 905 cubic centimeters, is an approximation, the resulting radius will also be an approximation.