Which sentence pattern describes the sentence below?

Jim gladly accepted the prize of $100.
a) S-V-O***
b) S -V-I-O
c) S-V-A
d) S-V-N


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To determine which sentence pattern describes the sentence "Jim gladly accepted the prize of $100," we need to understand the different sentence patterns and their components.

The sentence patterns typically involve three main components: Subject (S), Verb (V), and Object (O). Additionally, there can be other elements like Indirect Object (I), Complement (C), or Adverbial (A).

Let's analyze each option to find the appropriate sentence pattern:

a) S-V-O: This pattern represents sentences where the subject performs an action on an object. In this case, "Jim" is the subject, "accepted" is the verb, and "the prize of $100" is the direct object. Therefore, this pattern does match the sentence provided.

b) S-V-I-O: This pattern involves sentences where the subject performs an action on an indirect object, which then affects the direct object. Since there is no indirect object in the given sentence, this pattern does not apply.

c) S-V-A: This pattern involves sentences where the subject performs an action and is followed by an adjective that describes the subject. Since there is no adjective in the sentence, this pattern does not apply.

d) S-V-N: This pattern involves sentences where the subject performs an action, and the verb is followed by a noun that renames or describes the subject. In the given sentence, there is no noun following the verb. Therefore, this pattern also does not apply.

Based on the analysis, the appropriate sentence pattern for the sentence "Jim gladly accepted the prize of $100" is option a) S-V-O.