How does sequencing events on a time line help historians.

A. It allows them to consider events with specific dates.
B. It helps them consider events outside of their time periods.
C. It helps them understand relationship between events.
D. It helps them understand the places where events occurred
i think the answer is B or A

B seems more sensible.


I've checked two of your guesses. You're on your own now. Please do not post another answer for this question.

is it C??????

i tb

i think it is C

Anybody knows the answer

C makes the most sense to me.

thanks MS. Sue You think that is the answer

You're welcome,

The correct answer is C. It helps historians understand the relationship between events.

Sequencing events on a time line is a fundamental technique used by historians to analyze and organize historical information. By arranging events in chronological order, historians can develop a clear understanding of the sequence of occurrences over time.

Here's the explanation for why options A and B are incorrect:

A. While sequencing events on a time line allows historians to consider events with specific dates, this is not the primary purpose of a time line. The focus is on establishing the sequence and relationship between events, rather than simply identifying events with specific dates.

B. Although sequencing events on a time line can allow historians to consider events outside of their time periods, the primary purpose is to understand the relationship between events within a specific time frame, rather than analyzing events from different eras.

Therefore, option C is the most accurate choice as it emphasizes the main benefit of sequencing events on a time line for historians.