which expression can be written as 4*(3+8)


distributive rule

what is the answer not the property


Let the math tutors know what YOU come up with as the answer. Then they'll let you know if you're right or not.

well, let's see ...

4*(3+8) = 4*11 = 44
4*3+8 = 12+8 = 20

care to try again?
You might also even want to review the distributive property ...

The expression that can be written as 4*(3+8) is (4 * 3) + (4 * 8).

To solve this, we need to apply the order of operations, commonly known as PEMDAS. In PEMDAS, parentheses come first, followed by exponents, multiplication and division (from left to right), and finally addition and subtraction (from left to right).

Let's break down the expression step by step:

1. Inside the parentheses (3 + 8), we have 3 + 8 which equals 11. This simplifies the expression to 4 * 11.

2. Now, we multiply 4 by 11, giving us the result of 44.

Therefore, the expression 4*(3+8) simplifies to 44.