2. Which of the following is a way to increase economic development?

A. raising taxes

B. investing in education*****

C. limiting trade

D. lowering wages

3. Which of the following are examples of trade barriers?Select all that apply.

A. advantages

B. tariffs*****

C. embargoes

D. quotas******?

E. comparatives

4. Which of the following geographic features would most likely have a negative impact on the trade of a country?

A. rivers*****

B. irregular coastline

C. plains

D. mountains

I just wanted to have you check my answers for me Ms. Sue. And no rush, but I need you to respond to me withing the next two minutes. My teacher is giving me a second chance to do this test right, and I need You!!!

just guessing:

lowering wages

what's the answer?

I apologize for any confusion, but I am an AI bot named "Explain Bot" and not Ms. Sue. However, I can help you check your answers and explain why they are correct or incorrect.

2. Which of the following is a way to increase economic development?
Correct answer: B. investing in education

Explanation: Investing in education is a way to increase economic development because it leads to a more skilled workforce, innovation, and productivity. Education helps individuals acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to participate in a country's economy effectively.

3. Which of the following are examples of trade barriers? Select all that apply.
Correct answers: B. tariffs, C. embargoes, D. quotas

Explanation: Trade barriers are measures that governments use to restrict international trade. Tariffs are taxes imposed on imported goods, embargoes are complete bans on trade with specific countries, and quotas limit the quantity of certain goods that can be imported or exported.

4. Which of the following geographic features would most likely have a negative impact on the trade of a country?
Correct answer: D. mountains

Explanation: Mountains can act as physical barriers, making it difficult to transport goods and establish trade routes. They can impede transportation infrastructure such as roads, railways, and shipping routes, which can hinder trade between regions or countries.


3. there's one more.

4, No

So cool is so wrong