4. Which of the statements below is an example of folk culture rather thean pop culture?

A. The general population listens to rock music***
B. Many Irish participate in the St. Patrick Day parade.
C. The general population uses plastic plates during picnic outings
D. Members of the Jewish population eat fast food for lunch

5. The statements below are examples for human geography except
A. Interaction patterns betweeen people
B. Peoples minds and thought procsess
C. Peoples interaction within the community
D. Earths various climates and multiple layers of atmosphere ***

6. This religion is most popular in Asia, parts of Africa, and the Middle East
A. Islam
B. Buddhism ***
C. Christianity
D. Hinduism

7. This eastern religion has drown the greatest numbers of Indian followers and revolves about the belief in the reincarnation
A. Islam ***
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Hinduism

8. Which example best illustrates folk culture according to the definition?
A. Dressing up in shirt and tie for an upcoming event
B. Dressing up in cowboy clothing for the annual Texas rodeo competitions ***
C. Putting on shoes before leaving the house
D. Wearing heavier clothing during winter months

9. This religion is predominated in Asia, with 365 million followers, including many Chinese.
A. Buddhism ***
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity

10. Which event is based on an ethnic tradition?
A. Election Day
B. Veterans Day
C. New Year’s Eve
D. St Patrick’s day ***


Number 6 has to be A then right ?

yes 6 is A


Our savor! 🙏🏼


for number 4 i meant to press B, and for 6 and 7 is it c and d?

4. To determine which statement is an example of folk culture rather than pop culture, we need to understand the definitions of both terms. Folk culture refers to the beliefs, customs, traditions, and practices of a particular group of people, typically passed down orally or through observation. Pop culture, on the other hand, refers to the popular trends, preferences, and activities that are influenced by mass media and are often temporary.

Now, let's analyze the statements:
A. The general population listens to rock music - This statement is more aligned with pop culture, as rock music is a genre that has gained popularity through mass media.

B. Many Irish participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade - This statement is an example of folk culture, as it represents a traditional celebration specific to the Irish culture.

C. The general population uses plastic plates during picnic outings - This statement does not clearly align with either folk or pop culture. It could be seen as more of a general practice influenced by convenience and availability of resources.

D. Members of the Jewish population eat fast food for lunch - This statement, similar to option A, is more aligned with pop culture, as it pertains to the current dietary choices influenced by convenience and modern lifestyle.

Based on the analysis, option B (Many Irish participate in the St. Patrick's Day parade) is an example of folk culture.

5. The question asks for examples of human geography. Human geography is a branch of geography that studies human activities, their relationships, and their impact on the Earth's surface. Let's analyze the options:

A. Interaction patterns between people - This option aligns with human geography, as it focuses on the relationships and interactions between people.

B. People's minds and thought processes - This option does not specifically align with human geography, as it pertains more to psychology, cognition, and human behavior rather than the spatial aspect of geography.

C. People's interaction within the community - This option also aligns with human geography, as it focuses on the interactions within a community and their spatial dimension.

D. Earth's various climates and multiple layers of atmosphere - This option does not align with human geography but rather with physical geography, as it pertains to the natural elements and phenomena of the Earth's surface.

Based on the analysis, option D (Earth's various climates and multiple layers of atmosphere) does not fall under human geography.

6. To determine which religion is most popular in Asia, parts of Africa, and the Middle East, we need to analyze the options:

A. Islam
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Hinduism

Based on population statistics, Islam has the largest number of followers in Asia, parts of Africa, and the Middle East. Therefore, the correct answer is option A (Islam).

7. To identify the eastern religion with the greatest numbers of Indian followers and revolves around the belief in reincarnation, we need to analyze the options:

A. Islam
B. Buddhism
C. Christianity
D. Hinduism

Based on the description, the religion that fits the criteria is Hinduism. Therefore, the correct answer is option D (Hinduism).

8. To determine which example best illustrates folk culture, we need to understand the definition of folk culture, which refers to the traditional beliefs, customs, and practices of a particular group of people.

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. Dressing up in a shirt and tie for an upcoming event - This option does not necessarily align with folk culture, as it can be influenced by contemporary fashion trends or societal norms.

B. Dressing up in cowboy clothing for the annual Texas rodeo competitions - This option represents a specific cultural practice associated with the traditional cowboy lifestyle found in Texas. It aligns with folk culture.

C. Putting on shoes before leaving the house - This option does not specifically align with folk culture, as it is a common practice in various cultures worldwide.

D. Wearing heavier clothing during winter months - This option also does not specifically align with folk culture, as it is a practical adaptation to weather conditions and can be found in various cultures.

Based on the analysis, option B (Dressing up in cowboy clothing for the annual Texas rodeo competitions) is the best example that illustrates folk culture.

9. To identify the religion predominated in Asia, with 365 million followers, including many Chinese, we need to analyze the options:

A. Buddhism
B. Islam
C. Hinduism
D. Christianity

Based on population statistics, the religion with the most followers in Asia, including many Chinese, is Buddhism. Therefore, the correct answer is option A (Buddhism).

10. To identify the event based on an ethnic tradition, we need to analyze the options:

A. Election Day - This option does not specifically align with an ethnic tradition but rather with a democratic process within a political system.

B. Veterans Day - This option does not specifically align with an ethnic tradition but rather with a holiday dedicated to honoring military veterans.

C. New Year's Eve - This option does not specifically align with an ethnic tradition, as it is celebrated by various cultures to mark the transition into the new year.

D. St. Patrick's Day - This option aligns with an ethnic tradition, as it is primarily associated with Irish culture and celebrates the patron saint of Ireland. Therefore, the correct answer is option D (St. Patrick's Day).

4, A - no

5. D - yes
6. B - no
7. A. - no
8. B - yes
9. A - yes
10. D - yes

Yes, 4 B.

6. C - no
7. D - yes

Please do not post these questions again.