which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

A. Salt water
B. Beef stew
C. Sand and water
D. Soil***

I don’t feel confident in this one. Can some please help me?

The answer is A. Salt Water

You're right not to feel confident. Soils isn't right. What is a homogeneous mixure? D is not; soil is a mixture but it has several components. C obviously has two components. B obviously has beef, veggies, broth, etc.

I think it’s C then?

NO ! sand and water is sand AND water

Of course, I can help you with that! Determining whether each option represents a homogeneous mixture involves looking at the components of the substance and assessing if they are uniformly distributed.

A. Saltwater: Salt water is made up of water and dissolved salt. It is considered a homogeneous mixture because the salt particles are evenly distributed throughout the water.

B. Beef stew: Beef stew is a heterogeneous mixture because it is made up of different components that are not evenly distributed. For example, the chunks of beef, vegetables, and other ingredients are not uniformly mixed together.

C. Sand and water: The mixture of sand and water is not a homogeneous mixture, but rather a heterogeneous mixture. Sand is a solid component that does not dissolve in water, so it doesn't create a uniform distribution.

D. Soil: Soil is generally considered a heterogeneous mixture. It is made up of various components such as minerals, organic matter, water, and air, which are not uniformly distributed.

Based on the options provided, the only homogeneous mixture is A. Saltwater.

Its A

Was my answer completely out of the ball park? Did you read my answer? I TOLD you it wasn't D and COULD NOT be C or B. And you picked C anyway? Gads!