Information in the intry tells you that sabotage

A. Can be used as both verb and noun.
B. Is used as a noun but almost never as a verb.
C. Is an old-fashioned word that is no longer used.
D. Should be used only to describe work disputes.

To determine the information in the entry regarding the usage of "sabotage," you can follow these steps:

1. Locate the entry: Look for the word "sabotage" in a dictionary, glossary, or any reliable source that provides definitions and usage examples.

2. Analyze the entry: Once you have found the entry, pay attention to the various aspects mentioned, such as the part of speech and the contexts in which it can be used.

Based on the options provided, let's examine them one by one:

A. Can be used as both a verb and noun: If this information is present in the entry, it means that "sabotage" can be used interchangeably as both a verb and a noun. This implies that it can be used to describe an action (e.g., someone sabotaging something) or as a thing (e.g., an act of sabotage).

B. Used as a noun but almost never as a verb: If this information is found in the entry, it suggests that "sabotage" is primarily used as a noun and is rarely used as a verb. This indicates that it is usually employed to describe an act, strategy, or occurrence of sabotage.

C. An old-fashioned word that is no longer used: If this information is present, it implies that "sabotage" is considered outdated and is no longer commonly used in modern language. However, it's important to verify that this is the case in the specific source you are consulting.

D. Should be used only to describe work disputes: If this information is stated in the entry, it suggests that "sabotage" should solely be used to describe conflicts or issues occurring in the workplace.

By examining the entry using these steps, you can determine the correct information regarding the usage of "sabotage" from the given options.


I think your question is incomplete.

Sab-o-tage 1. Any interference with production work in a plant or factory especially by enemy agents or employees during a work dispute 2. Any undermining of a cause

To injure or attack sabotage. From the French sabot, a wooden shoe early acts termed sabotage involved throwing wooden shoes into machinery, causing the machines to break down

Here is the other part