Which planes when passed through the body would result in two sections, with each section containing a piece of the heart and a piece of each lung

Is it frontal and transverse , or frontal and Sagittal?

To determine which planes would result in two sections, with each section containing a piece of the heart and a piece of each lung, we need to consider the anatomical orientation and placement of these organs.

The frontal plane, also known as the coronal plane, divides the body into anterior (front) and posterior (back) sections. This plane would not be suitable for dividing the body in a way that splits both the heart and lungs into separate sections because the heart and lungs are more centrally located within the body.

The sagittal plane, on the other hand, divides the body into left and right sections. This plane would not be suitable either because it would separate the heart and lungs into different sides of the body.

The transverse plane, also called the horizontal or axial plane, divides the body into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) sections. This is the correct plane for our purpose because it allows for the separation of the heart and lungs within each section. By passing the transverse plane horizontally through the body, you will have one section containing a piece of the heart and a piece of each lung, while the other section will also contain a piece of the heart and a piece of each lung.

Therefore, the correct planes for this scenario are the frontal plane together with the transverse plane.