Can you please elaborate John Dalton's statement,"all living things are made up of cells".By the way,I am g11 student.

Absolutely! John Dalton's statement that "all living things are made up of cells" is a foundational concept in biology known as the cell theory. This theory states that all living organisms are composed of cells, and that cells are the basic structural and functional units of life.

To understand this statement further, let's break it down:

1. What are cells? Cells are the smallest units of life. They are microscopic structures that carry out the functions necessary to support life. They are made up of various components, such as organelles, which perform specific tasks within the cell.

2. What does it mean for something to be "made up of cells"? It means that all living organisms, including plants, animals, and even microorganisms, are composed of one or more cells. These cells work together to form tissues, organs, and entire organisms.

3. Why is this statement important? The cell theory revolutionized our understanding of life. Before Dalton's statement, it was believed that organisms could arise spontaneously, without the need for cells. However, the cell theory provided strong evidence against spontaneous generation and laid the foundation for modern biology.

Now, as a Grade 11 student, you can also explore the historical context of John Dalton's statement. Dalton was an English chemist who made significant contributions to various scientific fields, including chemistry and meteorology. Although he is best known for his work on atomic theory in chemistry, his insight on the cellular nature of life is equally important.

To delve deeper into this topic, I recommend studying additional resources such as biology textbooks, online articles, or videos that discuss the history of the cell theory and its implications. Additionally, your biology teacher or school library might be able to provide you with specific materials that can help you understand John Dalton's statement in greater detail.