First round to the nearest whole number.

10.3 + 1.46
11.53 + 7.23

so i believe 10 + 1.50 = 1.60??
then 11.50 + 7.20 is 18.70 ?

Use front-end estimation to estimate each sum.
4.39 + 9.57
3.62 + 2.31

would it be 4.40 + 10.00 = 14.40
and 3.60 + 2.30 = 5.90

Use compatible numbers to estimate each quotient.
103.6 divided by 9.72
3.963 divided by 1.79

im stuck on rounding 103.6 but i believe 9.72 is rounded to 9.70
im also stuck on 3.963 but 1.79 would round to 1.80?

Your question started with "round to the nearest whole number."

A whole number has NO decimals...
So... 10.3 is 10 and 1.46 is 1...

ohhh! thank you! forgot.

To round the sums in the first question, you need to add the numbers and then round the result to the nearest whole number.

For 10.3 + 1.46:
10.3 + 1.46 = 11.76
Rounded to the nearest whole number, it becomes 12.

For 11.53 + 7.23:
11.53 + 7.23 = 18.76
Rounded to the nearest whole number, it becomes 19.

In the second question, you are asked to estimate the sums using front-end estimation. To do this, you look at the first digit of each number and adjust them accordingly to get a rough estimate of the sum.

For 4.39 + 9.57:
The front-end estimation would be to round 4.39 to 4 and 9.57 to 10.
So, the estimate would be 4 + 10 = 14.

For 3.62 + 2.31:
The front-end estimation would be to round 3.62 to 4 and 2.31 to 2.
So, the estimate would be 4 + 2 = 6.

In the last question, you are asked to estimate the quotients using compatible numbers. Compatible numbers are numbers that are easy to divide mentally.

For 103.6 divided by 9.72:
To make the division easier, you can round 103.6 to 100 and 9.72 to 10.
So, the compatible estimation would be 100 divided by 10 = 10.

For 3.963 divided by 1.79:
To make the division easier, you can round 3.963 to 4 and 1.79 to 2.
So, the compatible estimation would be 4 divided by 2 = 2.