suppose julissa was catering a breakfast and needed to use 100 cups of pancake mix to make enough pancakes for everyone at the breakfast. How many eggs would she need?

What ratio of eggs to flour do you need?

To determine how many eggs Julissa would need, we need to know how many cups of pancake mix are required for each egg. Once we have that information, we can calculate the number of eggs needed.

Typically, pancake recipes call for around 1/4 to 1/3 cup of pancake mix per egg. For this explanation, let's assume Julissa needs 1/4 cup of pancake mix per egg.

Given that she needs 100 cups of pancake mix, we can set up a simple proportion to find the number of eggs:

1 cup of pancake mix = 1/4 cup of pancake mix * (1 egg/x)

Simplifying the equation, we have:

x = 100 cups of pancake mix / (1/4 cup of pancake mix)

To divide by a fraction, we invert the fraction and multiply:

x = 100 cups of pancake mix * (4/1 cup of pancake mix)

Performing the multiplication:

x = 100 * 4 = 400

Therefore, Julissa would need 400 eggs for the breakfast.