How did Japan attempt to solve its economic troubles during the Great Depression?

The Japanese government began to invest in less capital-intensive industries to reduce overhead and promote international trade.
..The collapse of the US stock market caused inflation of the Japanese yen, which led Japan to abolish its currency and use only gold.
Due to the reduction in foreign trade, Japan became more militaristic to gain control of natural resources in Asia.
..The Japanese government cut vital social programs in favor of internal infrastructure to avoid deficit spending.

Yes, C.

The correct answer is C. Japan became more militaristic to gain control of natural resources in Asia.

During the Great Depression, Japan faced severe economic troubles due to a decline in international trade and a collapse in the export market. To solve these issues, the Japanese government adopted a more aggressive and militaristic approach. They sought to gain control of natural resources in Asia to support their domestic industries and alleviate economic difficulties.

Japan believed that through territorial expansion and imperialism, they could secure much-needed resources such as oil, rubber, and iron ore. This led to their occupation of Manchuria in 1931 and subsequent invasions of China, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands during the 1930s and 1940s.

By acquiring these territories and their resources, Japan aimed to address their economic woes, maintain domestic industries, and ultimately become self-reliant. However, this militaristic approach eventually led to World War II and further economic devastation.