m ∠PQR + m ∠SQR = m∠PQS a. ______________

x + 7 + x + 3 =100 b. Substitution Property
2x + 10 = 100 c. Simplify
2x = 90 d. _______________
x= 45 e. Division Property of Equality

a. Angle Addition Postulate, Addition Property of Equality
b. Angle Addition Postulate, Subtraction Property of Equality ***
c. Protractor Postulate, Addition Property of Equality
d. Protractor Postulate, Subtraction Property of Equality

Yeah, but what is the answer?

The correct answer is:

b. Angle Addition Postulate, Subtraction Property of Equality

To understand why, let's break down the steps:

1. The given equation states that the sum of angle PQR and angle SQR is equal to angle PQS. This can be written as: m ∠PQR + m ∠SQR = m∠PQS

2. To solve for the value of the angles, we can use the Angle Addition Postulate, which states that the measure of the sum of two angles is equal to the measure of their combined angle. So, we can rewrite the equation as: (x + 7) + (x + 3) = 100

3. Next, we simplify the equation by combining like terms: 2x + 10 = 100

4. To isolate the variable x, we use the Subtraction Property of Equality. We subtract 10 from both sides of the equation: 2x = 90

5. Finally, we solve for x by applying the Division Property of Equality. We divide both sides of the equation by 2: x = 45

Therefore, option b. Angle Addition Postulate, Subtraction Property of Equality correctly describes the steps used to solve the equation.

Correct : )

"Protractor Postulate" LOL! Nothing can be assumed to be drawn to scale!

THat is... there is no such thing as a protractor postulate...