Which most accurately traces the changing attitudes of the protesters during the year-long Arab Spring demonstrations?

The protests began with Egyptian citizens calling for social reforms, but as protests spread, Tunisian fundamentalists urged the adoption of an apartheid policy.

***The protests began with Muslim citizens calling for Islamic reforms, but as protests spread, Christian fundamentalists began demanding that biblical law be established.

***The protests began with students calling for censorship reforms, but as protests spread, university chairmen began demanding that censorship be expanded.

The protests began with citizens calling for democratic reforms, but as protests spread, Islamic fundamentalists began demanding that Sharia law be established.



The most accurate answer that trace the changing attitudes of the protesters during the year-long Arab Spring demonstrations is:

The protests began with citizens calling for democratic reforms, but as protests spread, Islamic fundamentalists began demanding that Sharia law be established.

To arrive at this answer, one should have some knowledge about the Arab Spring demonstrations and the different goals and ideologies of the protesters involved. The Arab Spring was a series of protests and uprisings that occurred in several countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, starting in late 2010. The protests were sparked by various factors, including political corruption, economic hardship, and the lack of political freedoms.

Initially, the protests were often driven by citizens calling for democratic reforms, aiming for more inclusive and responsive political systems. However, as the protests spread across different countries, different ideological groups and factions began to emerge within the movement. This included Islamic fundamentalists who saw an opportunity to push for the establishment of Sharia law, which aligns with their religious beliefs.

Therefore, answer choice A most accurately captures the changing attitudes of the protesters in the Arab Spring demonstrations.