what was the most important result of the English victory of the Spanish armada

A.it showed English naval power.

B.it kept Protestantism legal in England.

C.it kept England safe and independent. ((my answer))

D.it reduced the wealth of Spain.

I agree.

why yall can not give the freaken answer

I catch u fam hold up

The most important result of the English victory over the Spanish Armada was C. It kept England safe and independent. The defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 marked a significant turning point in European history. It prevented the invasion of England by Spain, which was the most powerful European nation at the time. By defending their shores against the Spanish fleet, the English ensured their sovereignty and independence. This victory boosted the morale of the English and solidified their position as a naval power in the world.

To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the significance of the English victory in relation to each option:

A. It showed English naval power: While the defeat did demonstrate the strength of the English navy, this alone may not be considered the most important result.

B. It kept Protestantism legal in England: While the victory did have implications for religion, the primary goal of the Spanish Armada was to invade England rather than specifically targeting Protestantism. Additionally, Protestantism had already been established as the official religion in England by the time of the Armada's defeat.

C. It kept England safe and independent: This option captures the most significant outcome of the English victory, as it prevented Spain from conquering England and ensured England's political autonomy.

D. It reduced the wealth of Spain: While defeating the Armada did have economic consequences for Spain, including the loss of ships and resources, it was not the most critical result of this historical event.

Overall, option C best reflects the most important result of the English victory over the Spanish Armada.