0.222g of a divalent metal is deposited when a current of 0.45ampere is passed through a solution of salt for 25min. Calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal

numberatoms=charge/(2*1.6e-19)= 2.109375e21

moles metal= numberatoms/avagnumber= 2.1e21/6.02e23=.0035
relative atomic mass=.222/.0035=63.4 grams


I want it

To calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal, we need to first determine the number of moles of the metal that is deposited. We can use the equation Q = It, where Q represents the quantity of electricity passed in coulombs, I is the current in amperes, and t is the time in seconds.

Current (I) = 0.45 A (amperes)
Time (t) = 25 min = 25 × 60 = 1500 seconds

Using the equation Q = It, we can calculate the quantity of electricity passed (Q):
Q = 0.45 A × 1500 s = 675 C (coulombs)

Next, we need to calculate the number of moles of the metal deposited using Faraday's law of electrolysis. Faraday's constant, F, represents the charge of one mole of electrons and is equal to 96500 C/mol.

We can use the formula:
moles of metal (n) = Q / (2 × F)

Q = 675 C
F = 96500 C/mol

Using the equation n = Q / (2 × F), we can calculate the moles of metal deposited:
n = 675 C / (2 × 96500 C/mol)
n = 0.0035 mol (moles)

Finally, we can calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal using the formula:
Relative atomic mass (Ar) = Mass of metal deposited / Moles of metal

Mass of metal deposited = 0.222 g
Moles of metal = 0.0035 mol

Using the equation Ar = Mass / Moles, we can calculate the relative atomic mass of the metal:
Ar = 0.222 g / 0.0035 mol
Ar = 63.43 g/mol

Therefore, the relative atomic mass of the metal is approximately 63.43 g/mol.