I'm not good at adding numbers with decimals. So I need help.

16.99 + 8.305 = ?
A. 10.004
B. 24.295
C. 25.295
D. 25.34

Put the decimals under each other.

Try it. I'll gladly check your answer.

To add numbers with decimals, follow these steps:

1. Line up the decimal points of the numbers you are adding.
+ 8.305

2. Add the digits in the rightmost column, which is the tenths place.
9 + 5 = 14. Write down the 4 and carry over the 1.

3. Move to the next column, which is the hundredths place, and add the digits.
1 + 9 + 0 = 10. Write down the 0 and carry over the 1.

4. In the last column, add the digits in the thousandths place.
0 + 1 = 1.

5. Write down the result, which is the sum of all the columns.
+ 8.305

Therefore, the answer is C. 25.295.

To add numbers with decimals, follow these steps:

1. Align the decimal points of the numbers you are adding.
2. Add the digits in the same column, starting from the rightmost column (the ones place) and moving to the left.
3. If the sum in any column is greater than 9, carry the excess to the next column.
4. Write the sum in each column below the line and include the decimal point.

Now let's apply these steps to the question:
16.99 + 8.305

Align the numbers:
+ 8.305

Add the ones place: 9 + 5 = 14. Write down 4 and carry over 1 to the next column.
+ 8.305

Add the tenths place: 9 + 0 + 0 (carried over from the previous calculation) = 9.
+ 8.305

Add the hundredths place: 1 + 3 = 4.
+ 8.305

Add the thousandths place: 6 + 8 = 14. Write down 4 and carry over 1 to the next column.
+ 8.305

Add the ten-thousandths place: 1 + 0 (carried over from the previous calculation) = 1.
+ 8.305

Therefore, the sum of 16.99 and 8.305 is 25.295.

So the correct answer is C. 25.295.