So I'm doing a crossword for environmental science and the hint for the word is surroundings. It is a 11 letter word. Does anyone know what it is? Please help. Another one the hint is a place or site. This one is a 8 letter word. If you could help me with these two I would really appreciate it.

surroundings -- what is the title of your course?

place or site -- l _ _ a _ _ _ n

Never mind I figured it out. I feel stupid about the second word but thank you.

Certainly! To find the answers to your crossword clues, let's break down the process step by step.

First, let's consider the clue "surroundings" for an 11-letter word related to environmental science. To solve this, we could try looking for synonyms or related terms. One possible word that fits this description is "ecosystem." An ecosystem refers to the biological community of living organisms and their physical environment. It is often used to describe the interactions between organisms and their surroundings.

Now, for the second clue "a place or site" with 8 letters, we need to explore possible options. Without more specific information, it can be a bit challenging. However, one potential word that matches the hint is "location." A location refers to a particular place or site, making it a suitable solution for the crossword.

Remember, crossword clues often require contextual knowledge, so it's always a good idea to consider the theme of the puzzle. Additionally, using a thesaurus or brainstorming related terms can help you find the correct answers.

However, please note that these suggestions are based on the information provided, and the answers might vary depending on the crossword puzzle's specific layout and theme.