Which of the following statements is true of both third-person objective and third person-omniscient point of view? a. the narrator observes and participates in the story's action. ***** b.The narrator observes but does not participatein the story's action.c. The narrator uses pronouns such as I and we. d. The narrator relates the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.

Yes, a.

I don't think it's a.


I just had the question same question, used "a" and got it wrong. the answer is B. the narrator observes but does not participate in the story's action.

To determine which of the statements is true of both third-person objective and third-person omniscient point of view, we need to understand what each of these points of view entails.

1. Third-person objective point of view: In this point of view, the narrator is essentially an observer who reports the events happening in the story without providing any insight into the characters' thoughts or feelings. The focus is on external action and observable behavior.

2. Third-person omniscient point of view: In this point of view, the narrator has access to the thoughts and feelings of all the characters in the story. The narrator is not a participant in the story's action but has knowledge of everything that is happening, including the internal states of different characters.

Now let's analyze each statement:

a. The narrator observes and participates in the story's action: This statement is not true for both third-person objective and third-person omniscient points of view. In third-person objective, the narrator only observes the story's action and does not participate, while in third-person omniscient, the narrator is not a participant in the action either.

b. The narrator observes but does not participate in the story's action: This statement is true for both third-person objective and third-person omniscient points of view. In both cases, the narrator remains an observer and does not directly participate in the story's action.

c. The narrator uses pronouns such as I and we: This statement is not true for either point of view. Third-person point of view uses pronouns like he, she, it, they, etc., but not I or we.

d. The narrator relates the thoughts and feelings of all the characters: This statement is true for third-person omniscient point of view, but it is not true for third-person objective. In third-person objective, the narrator does not reveal the thoughts and feelings of characters.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is:

b. The narrator observes but does not participate in the story's action.