a contractor needs two men and 5 litres of paint to paint on a fenced wall that is 40m by 3m in 9 hours. how many men and how much paint does he need to paint a fenced wall 20m by 12m in 3 hours

Paint: 5litres/120m^2/5litres=24m^2/liter (wow).

Paint needed: 1liter/24m^2 * 240m^2= 10 liters
manhours per m^2= 2*9/120=18/120=.15manhours/m^2
manhours needed on new job= .15*240=36 manhours
number men= 12 men
You are getting twice the area, in 3 times as fast. 3*2*2men=12men

That was a sexist question, women can paint also.

To solve this problem, we can use the concept of the rate at which work is done.

Given that it takes 2 men 9 hours to paint a wall that is 40m by 3m using 5 liters of paint, we can determine their rate of work and paint consumption per hour.

Men's rate of work = Area of the wall / Time taken = (40m x 3m) / 9 hours = 4.44 m²/hour

Paint consumption rate = Volume of paint / Time taken = 5 liters / 9 hours = 0.56 liters/hour

Now, for a wall that is 20m by 12m, we need to find how many men and how much paint is required to complete the job in 3 hours.

Area of the wall = 20m x 12m = 240 m²

Men required = Area of the wall / Rate of work = 240 m² / 4.44 m²/hour ≈ 54.05 (round up to 55 men)

Paint required = Paint consumption rate x Time taken = 0.56 liters/hour x 3 hours = 1.68 liters

Therefore, the contractor needs 55 men and 1.68 liters of paint to paint a fenced wall that is 20m by 12m in 3 hours.

To find out how many men and how much paint the contractor needs to paint a fenced wall that is 20m by 12m in 3 hours, you need to calculate the amount of work involved in painting each wall.

First, let's find out the area of the first wall. The area of a rectangle can be calculated by multiplying its length by its width. So, for the first wall:

Area of the first wall = Length × Width
= 40m × 3m
= 120 square meters

Next, let's determine the rate at which the first wall is being painted. The contractor requires 2 men and 5 litres of paint to complete the painting of this wall in 9 hours.

Now, let's find the rate of work for the first wall:
Rate of work for the first wall = Area of first wall ÷ Time taken
= 120 square meters ÷ 9 hours
= 13.33 square meters per hour

To determine the number of men and amount of paint required to complete the second wall, we need to calculate the area of the second wall.

Area of the second wall = Length × Width
= 20m × 12m
= 240 square meters

Now that we know the area of the second wall, we can determine the number of men and the amount of paint required to complete the painting in 3 hours, using the rate of work we calculated for the first wall.

Number of men required = Rate of work for the second wall ÷ Rate of work for the first wall
= 240 square meters ÷ (13.33 square meters per hour)
≈ 18 men (rounded up)

Amount of paint required = (Rate of work for the second wall ÷ Rate of work for the first wall) × Amount of paint for the first wall
= 18 men × 5 litres
= 90 litres

Therefore, the contractor will need approximately 18 men and 90 litres of paint to paint a fenced wall that is 20m by 12m in 3 hours.