How to write expression by writing the solution in unit form and in standard form

i need help pletes

To write an expression in unit form, you need to represent both the numerical value and the unit of measurement. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Write the numerical value.
Start by writing the numerical value of the quantity you want to express. For example, let's say the quantity is the length of a pencil, which is 15 centimeters.

Step 2: Write the unit of measurement.
Next, write the unit of measurement that corresponds to the quantity. In our example, the unit is centimeters.

Step 3: Combine the numerical value and the unit of measurement.
Combine the numerical value and the unit of measurement using multiplication. This way, you express the quantity in unit form. For our example, the expression in unit form would be "15 centimeters."

To write an expression in standard form, you need to write the quantity in a simplified mathematical notation. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Determine the appropriate prefix.
Identify the appropriate prefix for the quantity, based on its magnitude. For example, if the quantity is very large, you may need to use kilo-, mega-, or giga-. If the quantity is very small, you may need to use milli-, micro-, or nano-.

Step 2: Adjust the numerical value.
Adjust the numerical value to a value between 1 and 10. If the original value is greater than 10, divide it by an appropriate power of 10. If the original value is less than 1, multiply it by an appropriate power of 10.

Step 3: Combine the numerical value and the prefix.
Combine the adjusted numerical value and the prefix to form a single number, followed by the unit of measurement (if applicable). This is the expression in standard form. For example, if the original quantity is 5,000 grams, you can express it in standard form as "5 kilograms" by dividing the numerical value by 1,000 and adding the appropriate prefix.

Remember to adjust the numerical value and apply the correct prefix based on the magnitude of the quantity to accurately express it in standard form.

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