Which option suggests the wide-ranging influence of the refugee Nazi scientists on US technology?

A-these scientist proved themselves trustworthy by designing the atomic bomb, leading to the Saturn V rocket.
B-These scientists developed the first working pro type of what would become the personal computer.
C-These scientist designed tanks, planes, and rifles tailored to the specific needs of the US military forces.
D-These scientists designed missiles, but they also worked toward future applications of rocket science.
Is the answer D?

I think it is D

I have the same question

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each option and consider the wide-ranging influence of the refugee Nazi scientists on US technology.

Option A suggests that these scientists proved themselves trustworthy by designing the atomic bomb, leading to the Saturn V rocket. While the atomic bomb was indeed a significant technological achievement, it does not capture the full extent of the refugee Nazi scientists' influence on US technology.

Option B states that these scientists developed the first working prototype of what would become the personal computer. While the development of the personal computer was a groundbreaking advancement, it is not directly linked to the influence of refugee Nazi scientists.

Option C suggests that these scientists designed tanks, planes, and rifles tailored to the specific needs of the US military forces. While this option acknowledges their contributions to military technology, it does not account for their broader influence across different sectors.

Option D states that these scientists designed missiles, but they also worked toward future applications of rocket science. This option captures the wide-ranging influence of refugee Nazi scientists on US technology. Their work on missiles not only contributed to military advancements but also paved the way for advancements in rocket science, which have had numerous applications in fields such as space exploration, satellite technology, and more.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D – these scientists designed missiles, but they also worked toward future applications of rocket science.