Express 4.050505... as a fraction

let x = 4.050505...

multiply by 100, (since the length of the repeating loop is 2 , had it been 4, I would have multiplied by 10000)
100x = 405.0505...
99x = 401.000.. = 401
x = 401/99

it is 2 digit repeating ... so multiply by 100 ... then subtract ... and divide

n = 4.050505... , 100 n = 405.050505...

99 n = 401

To express 4.050505... as a fraction, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Let x = 4.050505...

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 1000 to eliminate the decimal:

1000x = 4050.505...

Step 3: Subtract x from both sides of the equation to eliminate the repeating decimal:

1000x - x = 4050.505... - 4.050505...

999x = 4046.4545...

Step 4: Multiply both sides of the equation by 1/999 to isolate x:

x = (4046.4545...)/999

Step 5: Simplify the fraction, using a calculator or long division:

x = 4 040 / 999

Thus, 4.050505... can be expressed as the fraction 4 040/999.

To express 4.050505... as a fraction, we can use the concept of infinite geometric series.

Let's call x = 4.050505...

Now, we can multiply x by 10000 to eliminate the decimal point:
10000x = 40505.050505...

Next, let's subtract the original x from the new equation:
10000x - x = 40505.050505... - 4.050505...
9999x = 40501

To solve for x, divide both sides of the equation by 9999:
x = 40501 / 9999

This fraction, 40501/9999, is the expression of 4.050505... as a fraction.