There are 120 pages in sara's book. She has read 1/3 of it. How many pages does she have left to read

I want answer of this question

Multiply 120 by 1/3,

Subtract the product from 120.

To find out how many pages Sara has left to read, you need to determine the number of pages she has already read.

The problem states that Sara has read 1/3 of the book. To find this amount, you multiply the total number of pages by the fraction 1/3:

1/3 * 120 = 40

Therefore, Sara has read 40 pages of the book.

To find how many pages she has left to read, subtract the number of pages she has read from the total number of pages in the book:

120 - 40 = 80

So, Sara has 80 pages left to read.