To what extent did the developments of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799 meet the demands and expectations of the third estate

Well, the result of that time period was to replace the king with Napoleon, but France never really went back to the three estates and I suppose you could say it was a net move toward democracy. Read this, click on section after section until you reach 1799

To determine the extent to which the developments of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1799 met the demands and expectations of the Third Estate, you would need to examine the primary demands and expectations of the Third Estate during this period and evaluate how well they were fulfilled. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this question:

1. Understand the demands and expectations of the Third Estate: The Third Estate was comprised of the common people in France, which included the bourgeoisie, peasants, and urban workers. They had several demands and expectations, including political representation, social equality, economic reforms, and an end to absolute monarchy.

2. Research and analyze the developments during the French Revolution: Look into the major events and changes that occurred during this period, such as the Estates-General, the storming of the Bastille, the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, the establishment of the National Assembly, the Reign of Terror, and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte.

3. Evaluate the fulfillment of demands: Assess how well each demand and expectation of the Third Estate was met by the developments of the French Revolution. For example:
a. Political representation: Analyze whether the Third Estate gained more representation and influence in governmental decision-making, such as the establishment of the National Assembly and the end of absolute monarchy.
b. Social equality: Assess whether the Revolution led to greater social equality among the different classes of society, such as the abolition of feudal privileges and the implementation of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.
c. Economic reforms: Examine whether the Revolution brought about any significant changes in the economic system, like the abolition of feudal dues or the redistribution of land.
d. End to absolute monarchy: Evaluate whether the Revolution succeeded in diminishing or eliminating the power of the monarchy and shifting towards a more republican form of government.

4. Consider limitations and challenges: Take into account any limitations or challenges that may have hindered the fulfillment of the Third Estate's demands and expectations. Factors such as internal conflicts, external pressure, or the rise of radical factions within the Revolution can influence the extent to which these demands were met.

5. Draw a conclusion: Based on your analysis, draw a conclusion about the extent to which the developments of the French Revolution met the demands and expectations of the Third Estate. Be sure to support your conclusion with evidence and examples from the period.

Remember, historic interpretations of events can vary, so it's essential to consider different perspectives and sources when evaluating the Revolution's impact on the Third Estate.