If a young child calls a dogs,he has made a logical error. I am thinking true. Adults speaking parentese may effect their infant heart rate. I think false

Please go back and proofread what you typed. It doesn't make sense.

If a young child calls a horse a dog,he has made a logical error. I am think false

When I look up "logical error," all I get are computer programming definitions. How is your text defining "logical error" and any other type of error among very young children?

To determine whether a young child calling a dog is a logical error or not, we need to understand what a logical error means in this context.

A logical error is a mistake in reasoning or thinking that leads to an incorrect conclusion. In the given statement, it suggests that if a young child calls a dog, it would constitute a logical error. However, this statement does not provide enough information to assess whether it is a logical error or not.

Calling a dog can be considered a normal behavior for a child, especially if they are trying to interact with the dog or get its attention. Without any specific context or reasoning provided in the statement, we cannot determine whether there is any logical error involved.

Moving on to the second statement, it posits that adults speaking parentese may affect their infants' heart rate. In this case, you mentioned that you think it is false. To verify this assumption, we would need to review scientific research or reliable sources to determine if there is any evidence supporting this claim. It is important to rely on credible sources and empirical evidence to draw accurate conclusions.

In summary, the first statement does not provide enough information to determine whether there is a logical error, and the second statement would require additional research for a conclusive answer.