Solve xy' + y + y^2 = 0 for y(1) = 2

I isolated y' such that: y' = (-y^2-y)/x
But I'm not sure what to substitute from here
I could do v = -y^2- y and v' = -2yy' - y' but I'm not sure this would help

just for fun

x dy/dx = -y^2 - y
- dy /[y(y+1) ] = dx/x
-1 ln [ y/(y+1) ] = ln x + ln c = ln xc
ln [ y/(y+1) ]^-1 = ln xc
x c = (y+1)/y
if x = 1 , y = 2
c = 3/2
3 x = 2(y+1)/y

I'm not sure if your integration is correct; I got -ln|1/y + 1|

However, thank you. Is substitution even possible for this problem?

I used my 1955 integration tables

int { dx/[x(ax+b)] } = (1/b)ln [ x/(ax+b) ] + constant

I did it that way because I did not figure out how o do it with substitution.

use partial fractions.

1/(y(y+1)) = 1/y - 1/(y+1)

To solve the given differential equation xy' + y + y^2 = 0 with the initial condition y(1) = 2, you can use a technique called separation of variables.

First, let's rewrite the equation in a more standard form by dividing through by x:

y' + (y + y^2)/x = 0

Now, separate the variables by multiplying both sides by dx:

dy + (y + y^2)/x dx = 0

Next, let's separate the terms involving y and the terms involving x:

dy + y/x dx + y^2/x dx = 0

Now, let's focus on the terms involving y:

dy + (y/x + y^2/x) dx = 0

To integrate both sides, we can rewrite the equation as:

dy + y(1/x + y/x) dx = 0

Now, let's define a new variable u = 1/x, which means du/dx = -1/x^2. Rewriting the equation in terms of u:

dy + y(u + y) du = 0

This equation is separable. Now, we can integrate both sides:

∫ (1/y) dy + ∫ (u + y) du = ∫ 0 dx

ln|y| + (u/2 + y^2/2) + C = 0

Here, C is an arbitrary constant that arises from integration. Let's simplify the equation:

ln|y| + (1/(2x) + y^2/2) + C = 0

Now, apply the initial condition y(1) = 2 to find the value of C:

ln|2| + (1/(2*1) + 2^2/2) + C = 0

ln|2| + (1/2 + 2) + C = 0

ln|2| + 5/2 + C = 0

C = -ln|2| - 5/2

Therefore, the final solution to the differential equation is:

ln|y| + (1/(2x) + y^2/2) - ln|2| - 5/2 = 0