The formula is x = 1/2 at^2 and I have managed to fill in the variables as this. d = 1/2 9.81 m/s^2 1^2

I want to say that my answer is 4.905 but I'm unsure. Can someone check it?

the formula is for distance traveled over time (t)

... starting from rest
... with uniform acceleration

you're using g , so it must be a falling object

the answer looks okay ... BUT (there's always one)
... have you learned about significant figures?

I don't believe I have, no. I just started physics.

I also realize that I changed my X into a D when listing the problem. Sorry about that. It's the same either way but I just confused it a bit by changing it. The d is meant to be the distance

To check your answer, you need to evaluate the expression correctly using the given formula:

x = (1/2) * a * t^2

Given values:
a = 9.81 m/s^2
t = 1 sec

Now, substitute these values into the formula:
x = (1/2) * 9.81 m/s^2 * (1 sec)^2

First, square the value of 1 second to get 1 sec^2:
x = (1/2) * 9.81 m/s^2 * 1 sec^2

Next, multiply the numbers together:
x = 4.905 m

Therefore, your answer of x = 4.905 m is correct! Well done!