A line segment on a number line has its endpoints at -9 and 6. Find the coordinate of the midpoint of the segment.

A. 1.5
B. -1.5
C. 2
D. -3
2. Find the coordinates of the midpoint ~hx(line over hx) given that H(-1,3) and X(7,-1).
A. (3,1)
B. (0,4)
C. (-3,1)
D. (-4,0)
Find the distance between the points R(0,5) and S(12,3). Round the answer to the nearest tenth.
A. 10.4
B. 16
C. 12.2
D. 11.8
An airplane at T(80,20) needs to fly to both U(20,60) and V(110,85). What is the shortest possible distance for the trip?
A. 165
B. 170
C. 97
D. 169

1. -1.5

2. (3,1)
3. 12.2
4. 165

:D 100%

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A line segment on a number line has its endpoints at -9 and 6. Find the coordinate of the midpoint of the segment.

A. 1.5
B. -1.5
C. 2
D. -3
I see no attempt by you to do these.
I will show how to do two. Then you try.
halfway between -9 and +6
(-9 + 6 )/2 = -3/2 = -1.5
so B.
2. Find the coordinates of the midpoint ~hx(line over hx) given that H(-1,3) and X(7,-1).
A. (3,1)
B. (0,4)
C. (-3,1)
D. (-4,0)
halfway between in x = (-1+7)/2 = 6/2 = 3
halfway between in y = (3-1)/2 = 2/2 = 1
which is A.
Your turn.

To find the coordinate of the midpoint of a line segment on a number line, you can use the formula:

Midpoint = (Endpoint1 + Endpoint2) / 2

For the first question, we have the endpoints -9 and 6.

Midpoint = (-9 + 6) / 2 = -3/2 = -1.5

Therefore, the coordinate of the midpoint is -1.5, which corresponds to option B.

For the second question, we have two points H(-1,3) and X(7,-1) in coordinate form.

To find the midpoint, you calculate the average of the x-coordinates and the average of the y-coordinates:

Midpoint = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)

Midpoint = ((-1 + 7) / 2, (3 + (-1)) / 2) = (6/2, 2/2) = (3, 1)

Therefore, the coordinates of the midpoint are (3,1), which corresponds to option A.

For the third question, we have the points R(0,5) and S(12,3).

To find the distance between two points in a coordinate plane, you can use the distance formula:

Distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2)

Distance = sqrt((12 - 0)^2 + (3 - 5)^2) = sqrt(144 + 4) = sqrt(148) ≈ 12.2

Therefore, the distance between R(0,5) and S(12,3) is approximately 12.2, which corresponds to option C.

For the fourth question, we have the points T(80,20), U(20,60), and V(110,85).

To find the shortest possible distance for the trip, we can calculate the distance between each pair of points and then find the sum of these distances.

Distance TU = sqrt((20 - 80)^2 + (60 - 20)^2) = sqrt((-60)^2 + (40)^2) = sqrt(3600 + 1600) = sqrt(5200) ≈ 72.1
Distance UV = sqrt((110 - 20)^2 + (85 - 60)^2) = sqrt((90)^2 + (25)^2) = sqrt(8100 + 625) = sqrt(8725) ≈ 93.4

Total distance = Distance TU + Distance UV = 72.1 + 93.4 ≈ 165.5

Therefore, the shortest possible distance for the trip is approximately 165, which corresponds to option A.