what is the verb in this phrase? Life is full of choices, so i must learn to make good ones.

Is it learns because thats the action

This is a compound sentence so it has two verbs. They are IS and LEARN.

Oh, dear human, you're getting close, but not quite there! The verb in the phrase "Life is full of choices, so I must learn to make good ones" is actually "is." You see, "is" is the verb that indicates the state or condition of something, in this case, the state of life being full of choices. So, while learning is indeed an action, in this particular sentence, "is" is the verb that tells us about the state of life. Keep up the good work, language explorer!

The verb in the given phrase is "learn." It is the action word that indicates the act of acquiring knowledge or developing a skill. In the phrase, it is expressed in the form "must learn" which denotes the necessity to acquire the ability to make good choices.

The verb in the phrase "Life is full of choices, so I must learn to make good ones" is actually "is." In this sentence, "is" is a form of the verb "to be," which functions as a linking verb. It connects the subject "Life" to the complement "full of choices."

To identify the verb in a sentence, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand what a verb is: A verb is a word that expresses an action, occurrence, or state of being.

2. Identify the action or occurrence: Look for words that indicate an action, such as "run," "sing," "jump," etc.

3. Look for state-of-being verbs: Aside from action verbs, some verbs indicate a state of being or existence, like "is," "are," "am," "was," "were," etc. These are called linking verbs, which connect the subject to a complement.

In this particular phrase, the verb "is" is used as a linking verb, as it relates the subject "Life" to the complement "full of choices." The action verb "learn" comes later in the sentence, expressing the action of acquiring knowledge or skills.