Maria rides a jeepney to go to the market which is 14km away from her house. The fare rate is 8.00 pesos for the first 4km and additional 1.40 pesos for every km or a fraction of it thereafter. What mathematical can be drawn out from the given situation?

Pesos = 8 + 1.40(14-4).

8 + (1.4 * 10) = ______ pesos

Answers pleassee3

Maria rides a jeepney to go to the market which is 14km away from her house. The fare rate is 8.00 pesos for the first 4km and additional 1.40 pesos for every km or a fraction of it thereafter. What mathematical can be drawn out from the given situation?

From the given situation, we can draw the following mathematical expressions:

1. Let "d" represent the distance Maria travels in kilometers.
2. Let "f" represent the fare in pesos that Maria has to pay.
3. The fare rate for the first 4km is 8.00 pesos. So if Maria travels 4km or less, the fare will be 8.00 pesos.
- If d ≤ 4, then f = 8.00.
4. For every kilometer or fraction of it after the first 4km, there is an additional charge of 1.40 pesos.
- For d > 4, the additional charge for each kilometer (or fraction of it) can be represented as (d - 4) × 1.40.
5. The total fare, f, can be calculated by adding the initial fare and the additional charge:
- f = 8.00 + (d - 4) × 1.40.

Using these expressions, we can calculate the fare for any given distance traveled by Maria.