Last year, Gary's tomato plants produced 24kg of tomatoes. This year, Gary increased the number of tomato plants in his garden by 25%. If his plants produce tomatoes this year at the same rate per plant as last year, how many kilograms of tomatoes can Gary expect the plants to produce this year?

30 tomatoes

24 * 1.25 = ?


To find out how many kilograms of tomatoes Gary can expect the plants to produce this year, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the increased number of tomato plants.
Last year, Gary had a certain number of tomato plants. To find the increased number of tomato plants this year, we need to calculate 25% of the previous year's number of plants and add it to the previous year's total.

Let's say the previous year's number of tomato plants was X.
To calculate the increased number of tomato plants, we need to find 25% of X and add it to X.
The calculation is: X + 0.25(X).

Step 2: Multiply the increased number of tomato plants by the rate of tomato production per plant.
Since the rate of tomato production per plant is the same as last year, we can assume it to be 24 kg/plant.

Let's say the increased number of tomato plants this year is Y.
We need to multiply Y by the rate of tomato production per plant, which is 24 kg/plant.

Step 3: Calculate the total expected tomato production.
To find the total expected tomato production, we need to multiply the number of tomato plants by the rate of tomato production per plant.

So, the total expected tomato production this year is Y * 24 kg.

To get the final answer, we first need to calculate the increased number of tomato plants (Step 1) and then determine the total expected tomato production (Step 3).